Quickgallop.com Readers Have Their Say On Impasse In Racing


KINGSTON, Jamaica – Quickgallop.com shares a selection of comments posted on the website by readers on the ongoing impasse involving the stakeholders in racing and the promoting company.


“The stakeholders and Supreme Ventures Racing and Entertainment Limited need to get their act together. I am going to speak from the stance of a fan of horse racing for many years.

If there should be any improvement in the product there must be a collaborative effort from both teams with one goal in mind and put aside the ego and anxiety being exhibited.

Two wrongs can never make a right, and if there was a deed signed by the stakeholders they need to live up to that.

If there are persons who did not sign or disagree on what was signed upon, the stakeholders would have erred in terms of ensuring that all parties involved were satisfied before signing any document.

The promoting company on the other hand need to understand the stress of the horsemen in running their operation with insufficient funds.

This lack of understanding was on high display when closing the racetrack for exercise.

How can you be a promoter of horse racing and jeopardise the welfare of the horses.

It didn’t look good. I just want to thank The Quick Galloper for this outlet and continue to do good work.”



This decision is a reflection on the type of leadership that prevails throughout Jamaica.

No thought process goes into anything because they all think they have money they can do as they please, without any consideration for others.

If so sad that the majority has to eke out a living from other people’s disposable income.



Over the years I have notice that most of the stake holders in local horse racing are so naive and short sighted.

Supreme Ventures is doing so much to keep horse racing going in Jamaica, the so called stakeholders need to do so much more to keep local racing afloat.

At this time in Jamaica, we all have to give and take, if they want to strike, so be it, they must know how that will benefit local racing. Supreme Ventures has more options that is more economic viable but maybe the stakeholders can survive without local horse racing.








5 Responses

  1. speaking as a ardent supporter of horse racing, i would say that i am very disappointed with the cancellation of the race meet for this weekend. I am not disappointed with supreme ventures, my anger and disappointment is 100% against the trainers who failed to nominate horses for the two race meets. I am sure that a lot of trainers were against the cancellation of the two race meets but they have to abide by their association, which is so sad. A better way was to let racing continue and continue to negotiate with supreme ventures. their actions were uncalled for and was certainly a backward step in local horse racing. I certainly would not want the present president of the trainers association to represent me. Its as if he had a mind set before the meeting. I heard from Sunday that racing for next weekend was in doubt because the trainers were planning not to nominate any horse because of a dispute with supreme ventures. THEY NEED TO REEXAMINE THEIR ACTIONS IF THEY ARE INTERESTED IN THE GROWTH OF LOCAL HORSE RACING.
    Does the trainers even consider how much is paid for electricity, security and maintenance. its all a part of the development of local horse racing. Its a team effort, we all need to play our part.

  2. Government should just revoke svl license close down the race track permanent send everyone a them yard turn the place into a housing complex let us all buy overseas racing government collect more and less stress

  3. Can someone out there explain to me why go on strike for two days return the next weekend to endure the same situation to me it looks more like sabotage what's the point

  4. In the interest of keeping local racing alive, supreme ventures will have to make some serious decision. One of the decision they should consider is to increase the percentage take out of the pool. i know that would be unpopular but i think its necessary to keep local racing alive. The overheads at the race track is a serious, serious problem, which i think in the very near future the stakes holders in racing will have to contribute more for the survival of local horse racing. The stakes holders in Jamaica horse racing need to sit with supreme ventures and find ways of cutting down or sharing in the operational cost at the track. eg. water, electricity and security.

  5. what supreme ventures did with the water trucks on the track i think was wrong BUT at the same time why should they incur additional expenses when the trainers decide that there will be no races, it goes hand in hand. It may sound cruel, but for every action there is a reaction. You as the trainer cant just decide that there should be no racing and it will be business as usual. when there is no racing will the trainers pay for security and other cost that is directly link to horses exercise on the track. LOL

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