#US RACING: Live Foals Count Down 2.5%


The Jockey Club reported Wednesday that 1,248 stallions covered 28,548 mares in North America during 2022, according to statistics compiled through October 8. These breedings have resulted in 18,143 live foals of 2023 being reported to The Jockey Club on live-foal reports.

The Jockey Club estimates that the number of live foals reported so far is 85 to 90 percent complete. The reporting of live foals of 2023 is down 2.5 percent from last year at this time when The Jockey Club had received reports for 18,609 live foals of 2022.

In addition to the 18,143 live foals of 2023 reported through Oct. 8, The Jockey Club also received 2,018 no-foal reports for the 2023 foaling season. The 2023 registered foal crop is projected to reach 18,500.

The number of stallions declined 4.2 percent from the 1,303 reported for 2021 at this time last year, and the number of mares bred declined 1.8 percent from the 29,065 reported for 2021.

The 2023 breeding statistics are available alphabetically by stallion name through the Resources-Fact Book link on The Jockey Club website.

Kentucky annually leads all states and provinces in terms of Thoroughbred breeding activity. Kentucky-based stallions accounted for 58.9 percent of the mares reported bred in North America in 2022 and 63.7 percent of the live foals reported for 2023.

The 16,827 mares reported bred to 208 Kentucky stallions in 2022 have produced 11,564 live foals, a 0.9 percent increase from the 11,460 Kentucky-sired live foals of 2022 reported at this time last year. The number of mares reported bred to Kentucky stallions in 2022 increased 0.2 percent compared to the 16,796 reported for 2021 at this time last year.

Among the 10 states and provinces with the most mares covered in 2022, four produced more live foals in 2023 than in 2022 as reported at this time last year: Kentucky, New York, Maryland, and Indiana.

The following table shows those 10 states and provinces with the most mares covered in 2022 sorted by number of state- or province-sired live foals of 2023 reported through October 8.


2022 mares bred
2022 live foals 2023 live foals  Percent change

 in live foals

Kentucky 16,827 11,460 11,564    0.90%
California   1,867   1,303   1,138 -12.70%
Florida   1,529     927     829 -10.60%
New York     987     576     590    2.40%
Louisiana     924     570     564   -1.10%
Maryland     744     481     498    3.50%
Ontario     587     402     301 -25.10%
Pennsylvania     448     340     250 -26.50%
Indiana     558     231     243    5.20%
Oklahoma     481     293     220 -24.90%



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