On Thursday November 4, 2021, the Commission heard an appeal submitted by Trainer, Johnny Wilmot against the decision of the First Instance Tribunal to warn him off for a period of two (2) years and the imposition of a fine of Two Hundred & Fifty Thousand Dollars ($ 250,000.00). This penalty was in relation to the positive findings for prohibited substances Cocaine and Ecgonine Methyl Ester (class 1 substances) returned by the horse Minniffa after it raced on 24th November, 2018.
After carefully reviewing the evidence and submissions made by Mr. Edward Barnes, representative of Trainer Wilmot, including Mr. Wilmot’s plea for leniency, the Commission ruled that;
- the warning off period be reduced from 2 years to 6 months effective 1st December 2021; and
- the fine of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand dollars ($250,000.00) remain.