The ‘Iceman’ Cometh - Jockey Aaron Chatrie Returns

Aaron Chatrie
Aaron Chatrie

KINGSTON, Jamaica - When the call of “riders-up” is made before the start of the sixth event on the Saturday card of June 15, 2024, one jockey who will get into the saddle is Aaron Chatrie.

Chatrie, known in the horse racing circles as the “Iceman”, makes his return to competitive racing after a self-imposed break of close to one year.

Known for his strong handling, Chatrie has secured three mounts on the day. In the sixth race, Chatrie mounts up on the David Lee Sin trained, No Surrender. In the ninth, Chatrie rides Noble Attitude for trainer Gary Subratie’s. His final mount in race ten on So Beautiful conditioned by Anthony Nunes.

The team from met with Chatrie today (Thursday, June 13), at his business place located on the Hellshire Beach compound in St Catherine.



QG: What are the reasons for taking a break?

AC: I had to find myself by taking a break. Plus, I run a business here at Hellshire, and I wanted to take care of that business.

QG: When did you decide it was time to return to the saddle?

AC: About two months ago, I started to train again, and so far, things have gone well.

QG: What is your weight at this time?

AC: When I began training, I was weighing about 115 to 117 lbs. Now, today, and I went on the scale this morning, my weight was 110 -111 lbs.

QG: Are you satisfied with your preparation leading to Saturday’s return?

AC: Yes, I am. I have been riding for quite a while. I know what to do to get fit. I am on the track in the mornings, everyday I am getting fitter, so I am ready to ride again.

QG: “Iceman”, all the best on your return.

AC: Thank you and I will give it my best.



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