KINGSTON, Jamaica - In an interview yesterday (April 28, 2024), at the race track, the executive chairman of the promoting company, Solomon Sharpe gave his views on the abandonment of two races on Saturday, April 27, 2024.

KINGSTON, Jamaica - In an interview yesterday (April 28, 2024), at the race track, the executive chairman of the promoting company, Solomon Sharpe gave his views on the abandonment of two races on Saturday, April 27, 2024.
2 Responses
This happened every race day for years is is not a one day delay every single race day it is the same thing 15 minutes delay with horses walking behind the gates and rules and regulations are sitting on the books not being enforce
Silly excuses Mr Sharp I know you are smarter than those words leaving your mouth
Rules are specific guideline or an instruction created by The Jamaica Racing Commission to regulate behaviour and activities with respect to starting gate racing time. The purpose of the rule and regulation is intended to maintain order, fairness and safety within the industry.
The guideline is intended to prevent system abuse, indisclipine, and to ensure compliance that would foster a more trustworthy, secure and protective environment to all trainers owners jockey,groom, farrier punters, promoters etc. Obsolutely nothing is wrong with the intended purpose of the rule however,this is the genesis of the real problem.
The Jamaica Racing Commission on numerous occasion do not see the necessity to engage all stakeholders who have vested interest or stake in the decision making rules or activities of the industry.. JRC behave like a father figure superior to all in the industry. As a consequence JRC most time fail in leadership decission making, All because of high handed, arrogant,abrasive and dictatorial leadership or managerial style shown to stakeholders especially the vulnerable group.,
Mr Chairman it your neligence not to have dialogue with stake holders, especially promoter Supreme Venture Racing to ascertain the fundamental knowledge of the different section of racing that would constitute possible down time in racing. Unforesceen circumstances in racing will happen in the paddock, at the gate on the track horse will bolt, steward inquiry, jocky objection you name it, This happen and you abondond two race next time will be five or ten race.
Such incident or occasion is real and cannot be the fault of the promoter, punters,starter trainer jocky etc, hence provision in your rules should define an exception that would be granted by your Stewards. The abandond of two races on 27 April 2024 should not have happen.MR Chairman you show scant regard for the product and you disrespect Jamaica and the international market.
JRC action tantamount to dereliction of duty or shameful failure to fulfil stakeholders obligation.