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KINGSTON, Jamaica - Word is swirling in and around Caymanas Park that approximately 13 positive tests for illegal substances were found in the ‘A’ samples taken from horses during the month of April 2022. It is also circulating that the ‘B’ samples for April have not been tested as yet.
It is understood that of the approximate 13 positives in April, a least three have been categorized as Class One substances. The current list of banned substances in horse racing is classified in five groups with the Class One drugs considered to be the most harmful, and which carry the heaviest penalties and fines.
No official public word on the positive tests has come from the regulatory agency for horse racing, the Jamaica Racing Commission (JRC). Checks with officials from the JRC were received with ‘no comment’ responses.
Commenting on the news of the positives circulating at the Park, the president of the United Racehorse Trainers’ Association of Jamaica (URTAJ), Patrick Smellie said it was cause for concern.
“Yes, we have heard of the positives. We are well aware of the procedures employed in matters such as these, and we will handle such as per the established guidelines in the interest of all concerned.
“Obviously, there is cause for concern, and given the circumstances at present, the URTAJ will not make any further comments at this time,” Smellie said.
Based on standard procedures in cases of positive findings, the JRC will wait for the ‘B’ samples to be tested, and if the positives are confirmed, the matter, at first, is handled by the commission’s First Instance Tribunal. Following the ruling of the First Instance Tribunal, any appeal will then be dealt with by the JRC’s board of commissioners.
The First Instance Tribunal is currently made up of five members headed by former Director of Public Prosecutions, Kent Pantry.

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