Racing Commission Rule Against Paul Francis Appeal

JRC - 1


3 Responses

  1. With reference to the subject appeal, the issue of integrity in sport has been debated and articulated by the JRC and their Stewards.However,its evident that the most targeted group by JRC and their Stewards are the Jockey's. Sad to say or unfortunately the uprightness of the antiquated JRC and the ineptitude of some Stewards giving rise to a lot of controversial, position, oponion or judgement reached after consideration. In most case your so call discciplinary action taken by the Stewards and JRC for numerous diffrence type of infringement constitute dubious and misleading information and excessive find and suspension. The entity high handed and manipulative behaviour via gut feeling that you guys regarded as best decision do not necessarily right at all times. The JRC and Stewards need to be more open to constructive criticism on what they do and how they do it. JRC and Stewards must be aware or mindful that making wrong decision and negative action create an impact on the livelihood/careers of Jockey's Trainers Grooms and other person that depend on the sport. The sport career path is not only for is not only for your administration staff and Stewards do you realise how much professional Jockey's career you guys damage over the years so much unable to list them make good sense prevail over emotion.

  2. It cannot be more evident in the way they treated Samantha Fletcher giving her 25 race days for not riding a maiden a maiden imagine that a set of draconian running that place

  3. The jockey cannot win...the horse is sore,if the jockey stays on he gets suspended,if he jumps off he didn't ride the the horse on its full merit,,yet the promoting company doesn't have a horse ambulance to van the horse off the track if he's many times we a jockey has to lead a sore horse who is in a lot of pain back to the groom who then drags him to the back limping..

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