KINGSTON, Jamaica – The 2020 Jamaica Derby is getting closer and the horses are getting their final exercise gallops in preparation for the 100th renewal of the blue riband event set for Saturday, October 31. keeps readers in touch with the exercise gallops of the horses participating in the Derby plus others
Below is a look of some noticeable gallops.
ATLANTIC BLUE - Cantered/Strode - ChuteENGLAND'S ROSE- Cantered/Galloped 5F 0:59.0FEARLESS CHAMPION- Cantered (WP)GREEN GOLD RUSH - Cantered/ Paced 9F 2:01.0KING ARTHUR - TrottedMARQUESAS- Cantered/Galloped - Round 7F 1:28.3MONEY MONSTER - Cantered 10FNIPSTER - Cantered (WP)ONEOFAKIND - Cantered (WP)SENTIENT - Cantered (WP)SHE'S A WONDER - Cantered/ Paced 7F 1:41.2SUMMER SUN - Cantered (WP)SUPERLUMINAL C Cantered/Strode - Chute 7F 1:35.4SUPREME SOUL- Cantered (WP)TOONA CILIATA V Cantered (WP)WOW WOW- Cantered 10FSUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2020ACTION ANN - Cantered/Galloped 5.5F 1:08.3ALEXA'S LODGE - Galloped Flat 6F 1:18.3ANOTHER AFFAIR & Cantered/Galloped 3F 0:36.3ATTORNEY GENERAL - Cantered (WP)CRIMSON - Cantered/Galloped 4F 0:51.3DOUBLE CROWN - TrottedFEARLESS CHAMPION - Cantered 10FGOD OF LOVE- Cantered/Strode - Chute 7F 1:37.1KING ARTHUR - Cantered - ChuteMAHOGANY - Cantered/Galloped 7F 1:29.0MONEY MONSTER - Cantered/Galloped 9F 1:56.1NIPSTER - Cantered/Galloped 8F 1:49.4ONEOFAKIND - Cantered 10FPRINCESS ANNIE - Galloped - Chute 6F 1:13.3SENTIENT - Cantered (WP)SUMMER SUN - Cantered/Galloped - Chute 5.5F 1:06.3SUPREME SOUL V Cantered/Galloped - Chute 5.5F 1:09.2TOONA CILIATA VT Cantered/Galloped 6F 0:15.2WOW WOW - Cantered/ Paced 6F 1:25.2