Jamaica Day 2023: Extraordinary for Me – Trainer Gary Subratie

Trainer Gary Subratie (left) with Desert of Malibu.
Trainer Gary Subratie (left) with Desert of Malibu.

KINGSTON, Jamaica –Celebrating victories in the St Elizabeth Distaff with Desert of Malibu and the coveted Jamaica Cup with Atomica, trainer Gary Subratie's delight was evident in a post-race interview with Quickgallop.com.

"I've celebrated many Classic and significant race victories over my career, but today ranks among the best, if not the best. Winning two feature races and another one, feels akin to a fantastical dream," Subratie expressed.

Speaking on the triumphs of Desert Malibu and Atomica, Subratie conveyed his high expectations for these star performers from his stable.

"Desert of Malibu has evolved significantly since her initial intent was breeding. We altered our plans and chose to race her.

We must exercise caution with her due to various issues, but fortunately, she's still capable of training. Many questioned her ability to complete a mile in the Distaff, but I never perceived it as a problem," he shared.

Subratie is confident that Desert of Malibu will be a formidable contender if she can maintain her fitness and health.

Regarding Atomica's Jamaica Cup win, he had unwavering faith in her potential victory.

"Atomica's hooves host an exceptional speed. My advice to the rider was to avoid rushing her around the first turn, then utilize her powerful pace on the backstretch, and let the others strive to match her," he explained.

Subratie's triumphant day concluded with a win from 62-1 shot Sensational Move, helmed by seldom-used jockey Rudolph Paige.

"Going into this race, my belief was that he had a reasonable chance of winning, but he surpassed our expectations at such long odds. Sensational Move's victory was particularly exhilarating—it was the perfect culmination to Jamaica Day for our stables," Subratie wrapped up.


One Response

  1. Desert of Malibu may not earned enough to qualify for the mouttet mile.her first 3 wins earnings doesn't count as they were in restricted races...her earnings is less than a million $ which is way down the list...she has to hope for some horses to be withdrawn by their connections.. the 3 year olds have the earnings but they're terrible this year... scratch them all,they can't even win an overnight race

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