It All About Work: Steve Smith - Champion Groom 2023

Champion groom Steve Smith receives his trophy from Racing Secretary, Denzil Miller. 
(Photo: Horatio Carter TML SPORTS JA)
Champion groom Steve Smith receives his trophy from Racing Secretary, Denzil Miller. (Photo: Horatio Carter TML SPORTS JA)

Steven Smith, who is a groom employed at the stables of Anthony Nunes was crowned as the champion groom 2023.

Smith's ascent to the pinnacle was made possible having groomed 28 horses to victory.

Smith reflected on his recent accolade, "Winning the groom championships for the first time fills me with immense pride. It's was done by hard work and dedication that I've invested."

Smith, who cultivated his passion for horses from a young age, acknowledges the industry's demanding nature. "Nothing in this field comes without putting in the hard grind. You reap what you sow, and my efforts have been duly rewarded. I'm walking the path laid by my father, himself a champion groom, and I'm elated to continue in his footsteps,” he remarked.

With sights set firmly on the horizon, Smith's ambition for 2024 is unambiguous: to retain his crown. The race for supremacy is already underway, with Smith leading the charge in the current standings with seven wins, edging out Garth Pennant by a single victory.

Smith, brimming with confidence, acknowledges the journey ahead, "Maintaining the lead is my primary goal for 2024, and I'm braced for the challenge. My gratitude extends to my trainer, Anthony Nunes, for unwavering support, as well as to the owners and my fellow grooms who have been pillars of strength."

Throughout his career, Smith has had the privilege of grooming several horses. Yet, one stands out in his heart – Above and Beyond, the filly that clinched both the 1000 Guineas and Jamaica Oaks before an untimely injury. Amongst others like Sea Devil, Saragosa, and Southern Cruise, Above and Beyond remains the jewel in his crown of achievements.



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