February racing ends with Saturday/Sunday weekend meets - checkout Overnight on Quickgallop.com

KINGSTON, Jamaica - Racing during the month of February comes to a climatic finish with a double meet this weekend - Saturday, February 27 and Sunday, February 28. The Overnight for the Saturday card will be posted on Tuesday, February 23 and the Overnight for Sunday on Wednesday, February 24. Stay in touch with Quickgallop.com […]
Weekend Gallops to note

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2021 CALCULUS - Cantered (WP) CASH IS KING B Cantered out straight CASUAL PEACH - Cantered/Galloped 3F 0:38.3 CURLIN'S FLIGHT - Gate/ Galloped - Straight 5F 1:04.2 DADA'S NALA - Trotted DEN STREET - Cantered/Galloped 3F 0:36.3 FATHER PATRICK - Cantered (WP) FURTHER AND BEYOND V Cantered (WP) KING ARTHUR - Hacked […]
#TRINIDAD RACING – General JN makes headlines

NOTE FROM QUICKGALLOP.COM – The following article and photo were first published in the Trinidad Guardian General JN with Dillon Khelawan aboard gave an impressive performance in Saturday's feature Modified Benchmark Handicap over 1,500 metres on the turf at Santa Rosa Park, Arima. The Glenn Mendez trained six-year-old chestnut horse was grand in his debut […]